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 投稿番号:104219 投稿日:2021年12月04日 02時18分58秒  パスワード

コメントの種類 :生活  パスワード


This is the state where food stamps are used the most, according to data

by Seth Berkman - 5h ago



15. Hawaii
受給率- Percent of households receiving food stamps: 17.2%
受給世帯数- Total households receiving food stamps: 79,929
世帯当たりの額- Average benefit per household: $459 (#1 highest among all states)

Hawaii gives out the highest average food stamps benefit in the U.S. and has an extremely low food insecurity rate. The coronavirus pandemic was particularly economically devastating to Hawaii, which depends heavily on its robust tourism industry. During the pandemic, food insecurity in Hawaii ballooned by more than 50%.

food insecurity


1. New Mexico
- Percent of households receiving food stamps: 27.6%
- Total households receiving food stamps: 218,674
- Average benefit per household: $238 (#24 highest among all states)

New Mexico has a household food insecurity rate of 15.1%. A high rate of working adults suffer food insecurity.


[1]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2022年02月03日 03時25分02秒 ) パスワード





This state has the most people below the poverty line, according to data
Ellen Dewitt - 4h ago


#1. Mississippi  一番貧しい人々が多いのはミシシッピ―州  

- Population below the poverty line: 599,795 (20.8% of state population)
--- Children ages 0-17 in poverty: 206,763 (29.2% of all children)
- Race/ethnicity poverty demographics:
--- Asian American: 3,748 (13.7% of Asian Americans in Mississippi)
--- Black Americans: 353,470 (32.7% of Black Americans in Mississippi)
--- Hispanics/Latinos: 21,702 (25.9% of Hispanics/Latinos in Mississippi)
--- Native Americans/Alaskans: 4,136 (31.3% of Native Americans/Alaskans in Mississippi)
--- White Americans: 207,939 (12.6% of all White Americans in Mississippi) Within the poorest state is the poorest county—Holmes—where the poverty rate is 46.5%. A typical household in the mostly Black county in north central Mississippi earns less than half of what households earn in the rest of the state. With few job opportunities, the county’s population dropped by nearly 5% in the past five years. You may also like: Major newspaper headlines from the year you were born

1番貧困率の低い州  ニューハンプシャー
#51. New Hampshire  州の人口の7.9%=10万人ちょい=が貧困ラインより貧しい暮らしをしている
- Population below the poverty line: 102,352 (7.9% of state population)
--- Children ages 0-17 in poverty: 26,189 (10.2% of all children)
- Race/ethnicity poverty demographics:
--- Asian American: 3,476 (10.1% of Asian Americans in New Hampshire)
--- Black Americans: 3,626 (19.8% of Black Americans in New Hampshire)
--- Hispanics/Latinos: 8,180 (17.8% of Hispanics/Latinos in New Hampshire)
--- Native Americans/Alaskans: 258 (13.1% of Native Americans/Alaskans in New Hampshire)
--- White Americans: 84,797 (7.2% of all White Americans in New Hampshire) Having the lowest state poverty rate masks the situation for many residents who are weighed down by New Hampshire's high housing costs and struggle to pay for necessities, according to local fiscal experts. Job growth in the state has been concentrated in low-paying sectors of health care, accommodation, and food services.

#49. Hawaii  ハワイ  人口の9.9%=13万7516人が貧困ラインより貧しい暮らしをしている

ハワイ  昔のハワイは貧しい州のトップだったのに今や貧しい人はそんなにいない?
- Population below the poverty line: 137,516 (9.9% of state population)
--- Children ages 0-17 in poverty: 37,559 (12.5% of all children)
- Race/ethnicity poverty demographics:
--- Asian American: 33,564 (6.4% of Asian Americans in Hawaii)
--- Black Americans: 2,621 (11.2% of Black Americans in Hawaii)
--- Hispanics/Latinos: 19,934 (14% of Hispanics/Latinos in Hawaii)
--- Native Americans/Alaskans: 690 (24.2% of Native Americans/Alaskans in Hawaii)
--- White Americans: 27,670 (9.2% of all White Americans in Hawaii) Hawaii’s federal poverty rate fails to reflect the state’s cost of living, which is the highest in the nation. When expenses like utilities, grocers, child care, and transportation are factored in, Hawaii has one of the highest poverty rates in the country, data shows.
[2]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2022年02月03日 03時29分58秒 ) パスワード


1番がミシシッピー州だから  ココから  <  で見て行けば豊かな州が見易い。

#3. Louisiana   貧しい人の人口では90万人近いんだね。
- Population below the poverty line: 878,394 (19.4% of state population)
--- Children ages 0-17 in poverty: 299,734 (27.4% of all children)
- Race/ethnicity poverty demographics:
--- Asian American: 11,962 (15.2% of Asian Americans in Louisiana)
--- Black Americans: 465,546 (32.3% of Black Americans in Louisiana)
--- Hispanics/Latinos: 51,315 (22.6% of Hispanics/Latinos in Louisiana)
--- Native Americans/Alaskans: 6,182 (24.1% of Native Americans/Alaskans in Louisiana)
--- White Americans: 326,987 (12.2% of all White Americans in Louisiana) Beyond poverty lies deep poverty, which means an income of less than half the federal poverty threshold. For a single person, it’s about $500 a month. More than 8% of Louisiana residents live in deep poverty.
[3]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2022年02月03日 03時35分23秒 ) パスワード

#18. New York  ニューヨーク  300万人近いな(人口が2000万人近いから、19,453,561 その14.6%ということで)
- Population below the poverty line: 2,797,985 (14.6% of state population)
--- Children ages 0-17 in poverty: 835,815 (20.6% of all children)
- Race/ethnicity poverty demographics:
--- Asian American: 257,423 (16.1% of Asian Americans in New York)
--- Black Americans: 638,823 (21.6% of Black Americans in New York)
--- Hispanics/Latinos: 855,022 (23.6% of Hispanics/Latinos in New York)
--- Native Americans/Alaskans: 17,928 (23.2% of Native Americans/Alaskans in New York)
--- White Americans: 1,023,946 (9.6% of all White Americans in New York) Concern is high that the impact of the coronavirus will drive New York’s poverty rate much higher. An estimated 1.2 million people in New York City have lost their jobs since the outbreak began, comprising 27% of private sector and independent contracting jobs. It is unclear how many will be able to return as the situation eases. About two-thirds of the losses have been jobs that paid less than $40,000 annually, and almost 1 in 6 lost jobs had been held by an undocumented worker.
[4]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2022年02月03日 03時39分03秒 ) パスワード

だったらアメリカで一番人口の多いカリフォルニアは?人口 39,512,223 です。

     実際にはメキシコとの国境から密入国して来る南米や中米の人が物凄い数  いるんだから

#20. California
- Population below the poverty line: 5,487,141 (14.3% of state population)
--- Children ages 0-17 in poverty: 1,747,426 (19.5% of all children)
- Race/ethnicity poverty demographics:
--- Asian American: 593,664 (10.7% of Asian Americans in California)
--- Black Americans: 475,436 (21.9% of Black Americans in California)
--- Hispanics/Latinos: 2,873,237 (19.2% of Hispanics/Latinos in California)
--- Native Americans/Alaskans: 58,630 (20.4% of Native Americans/Alaskans in California)
--- White Americans: 1,372,296 (9.5% of all White Americans in California) In California, four out of five poor families include at least one adult who works; and 1 in 4 Latinos live in poverty, a rate twice as high as the rate among white people. The state's most significant social safety net programs include CalFresh food assistance, CalWORKs cash assistance, tax credits, housing subsidies, and school meals.
[5]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2022年02月03日 03時42分40秒 ) パスワード

ハワイが今や豊かな州にランクしているというのは気付いてたけど   なかなか信じられないけど  ハワイも格差がスゴイ。

カリフォルニア並みに   1つのアパートに25人ほどで暮らしているエリアが  アチコチにある。
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