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 投稿番号:104217 投稿日:2021年11月25日 16時09分12秒  パスワード

コメントの種類 :生活  パスワード


How much money you really need to retire comfortably in your state
Heather Berzak


51. Hawaii
年間必要全支出額   Total expenditures: $100,207
2割を余裕に      20% comfort buffer: $25,052
総額    Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $125,259

50. District of Columbia  アメリカの首都ワシントン
Total expenditures: $81,494
20% comfort buffer: $20,374
Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $101,868

49. New York
Total expenditures: $79,060
20% comfort buffer: $19,765
Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $98,825

48. California
Total expenditures: $72,366
20% comfort buffer: $18,092
Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $90,458

[1]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2021年11月25日 16時12分52秒 ) パスワード

1. Mississippi   一番安く住めるところ  ミシシッピー州
Total expenditures: $42,953
20% comfort buffer: $10,738
Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $53,691
[2]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2021年12月16日 09時22分25秒 ) パスワード



ページ10/28. Hawaii

Score: 84


The sandy beaches and blue skies of this lush, tropical state is every retiree’s dream — but you need to pay to live in paradise. While Hawaii is new to the list of the worst places to retire, it has long been ranked the most expensive state to live in.

Zillow places the median home value in Hawaii at a whopping $683,470 — that’s more than double the national median. You can easily end up paying half a million for a tiny, one-bedroom condo if you want to live in Honolulu.

Even if you plan to rent, locals say it’s not so easy to find a place.

“This isn't like any town in the U.S.A. where you look at a place, sign a lease and get the keys the next day. It is very competitive here,” one Redditor writes. “Almost every showing I went to had several people show up. It's like a job interview ... I hope you have decent credit. Most places won't even bother unless your score was higher than 650.”
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