【 彦島で熱く語る!!一覧に戻る | 使い方とお願い | 日子の島TOP
 投稿番号:104201 投稿日:2021年11月09日 13時59分10秒  パスワード
詐欺電話の撃退法? そんなの 無い!

コメントの種類 :生活  パスワード


この発表はロボコールをストップする会社 YouMail が出したもの。


This year alone Americans are expected to get over 52 billion robocalls, according to YouMail, a company specializing in blocking robocalls.

[1]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2021年11月09日 14時02分45秒 ) パスワード


How to keep annoying robocalls at a minimum

According to the FCC, there are some easy steps you can take to help reduce robocalls:

Don't answer calls from blocked or unknown numbers.

Don't answer calls from numbers you don't recognize.

Don't assume an incoming call is really from a local number just because it looks like it is.

Don't respond to any questions that can be answered with a "Yes."
If someone calls you and claims to be with XYZ company, hang up and call the company yourself. Use the company's website to find an official number.

If you do answer a call and hear a recording such as, "Hello, can you hear me?" just hang up.

The same goes for a call where you're asked to press a number before being connected to a representative.

When you answer a call and interact with the voice prompt or by pressing a number, it lets spammers know your number is real. They can then sell your number to another company or begin targeting your number more frequently.

とにかく  出ない!  

下手に出てしまうと  あなたの電話番号が詐欺グループに売られてしまう。
 【 彦島で熱く語る!!一覧に戻る
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