【 彦島で熱く語る!!一覧に戻る | 使い方とお願い | 日子の島TOP
 投稿番号:104155 投稿日:2021年08月06日 06時03分19秒  パスワード

コメントの種類 :生活  パスワード



[1]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2021年08月06日 07時13分26秒 ) パスワード

No one is perfect, not even you. Rid yourself of the internal pressure to be number one at everything 24/7. The sooner you do this, the sooner you’ll be able to accept of yourself—flaws and all.

Real talk: You don’t have to be in a committed relationship to be happy. The only partnership that truly matters is the one you have with yourself, and it can be the most passionate, loving, and wild relationship of your life. Be your own partner!
本当に大切なのは まず 自分を大切にすることだよ。

Ditch the lighthearted small talk(くっだらねぇ無駄話ばっか してんじゃねぇぞ) and allow yourself to have deep convos ( = Conversations 会話のことね)with others. (もっと深いハナシをしろよ) When you open up to your friends, you’ll be able to form stronger, lasting relationships (which is what truly makes you happy).そこにアンタの本当の幸せが転がってるんだぜ。

Surround yourself with optimistic people who’ll support your dreams when you’re feeling inspired and dry your tears when you’re sad. Once you feel supported, you’ll be able to courageously take on the world. Positive vibes, positive life!


Give your energy and time to something bigger than yourself.自分のことばっかりじゃなくて、もっと大切なことがあるだろ? A humanitarian project will allow you to flaunt your biggest asset—your heart—and find pride in your generous and loving spirit.大事な心を見せろよ。 What more could a Leo want?これ以上、何を望むことがあるんだ?

Stop people-pleasing and start pleasing yourself! 他人を喜ばせるばっかりじゃなくて自分のことも楽しみなさいよ。The moment you let go of the need to make others happy and set some boundaries, you’ll feel like others are finally respecting you.そしたら他人があなたのことを認めるよ。 Learning to say no and express your opinion freely will boost your confidence.ノーと言えるようになれたら自信がつくよ。

Find balance in your day-to-day activities.バランス感覚が必要なんだね。 Don’t over-dedicate yourself to one way of thinking or one particular task. Make sure you schedule time to unwind by yourself and hang out with your friends. Diversifying your energy throughout the day will make you feel happier, more centered, and energetically at peace.

You tend to hold grudges.(根に持つタイプなんだぁ〜) But although you may not realize it, carrying this weight creates issues in your personal relationships. Learn to forgive and forget. Once you let go of past resentments, you’ll be able to live your best life in the present.

Face facts: You (アンタは) can be a tad (= a small amount ちょっと) argumentative (うっせぇんだよ). But before you get confrontational, try having a calm conversation. You’ll find that skipping the drama can allow you to embrace your a free-spirited vibe (自分を解き放てるよ). Then you can live your life to the fullest.

Take time away from work and focus on your personal life…yeah, you need to turn your phone off in the evening and stop reading emails over the weekend. Focus on things that matter(もっと大切なことに目を向けなよ), and leave work at work (仕事を職場に残してさ). 仕事より大切なことってあるんだからさ。

Don’t let anyone make you feel as though you’re not good enough—because you are. When you embrace your quirks(変人ぶりに自信を持って) and show them off (堂々としてりゃ), you’ll feel more self-assured(自信が持てるよ). Embrace who you are and others will too.(自分に自信を持ったら  みんなも認めてくれるよ)

へぇ〜  アイツは自信が無かったのか。

Worrying about the future won’t allow you to live in the moment. So take life one day at a time. Don’t focus on tomorrow! This will help you lighten up and enjoy where you are right now.

 【 彦島で熱く語る!!一覧に戻る
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