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 投稿番号:104126 投稿日:2021年06月18日 13時50分42秒  パスワード

コメントの種類 :生活  パスワード



1340カロリー(日本じゃ  キロカロリーって表現するのかな?)
脂肪が63gで  その内  飽和脂肪酸が25gでトランス脂肪酸が0.5g
ナトリウムが2070r  ってコトは  塩に換算すると 6.75g!

3. McDonald's Big Breakfast with Hotcakes

NUTRITION: 1,340 calories, 63 g fat (25 g saturated fat, 0.5 g trans fat), 2,070 mg sodium, 158 g carbs (5 g fiber, 48 g sugar), 36 g protein

"This breakfast consists of a biscuit, sausage, eggs, hash browns, and pancakes and weighs in at 1,340 calories. That is over half of the total daily recommended calories for most people," says Gregg. "Its fat and sodium content is just as shocking—63 grams and 2,070 milligrams respectively. With this breakfast, you are nearly exceeding the daily recommendations after just one meal."

[1]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2021年06月18日 13時57分46秒 ) パスワード


1番目のは  冷凍食品  じゃないかな?

1. Dairy Queen's Country Platter with Ham

1食分で 脂肪分が42gで 塩が 5.875g!

NUTRITION: 860 calories, 42 g fat (13 g saturated fat, 0.5 g trans fat), 2,350 mg sodium, 60 g carbs (3 g fiber, 2 g sugar), 28 g protein
"This one's crazy nutrition fail perhaps has something to do with the fact that just one platter comes with two orders of hash browns," notes Shannon Henry, RD, a registered dietitian working with EZCare Medical Clinic. "It contains 860 calories, which means more fried potatoes that are exactly not good for our body."

The dish also contains a harmful amount of fat (nearly a third of which is saturated fat) which can raise your "bad" LDL cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. So can these Popular Drinks Proven to Cause High Cholesterol, According to Science.
[2]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2021年06月18日 14時04分15秒 ) パスワード


見ただけで  砂糖の山  って感じ。

太賀と   菅田将暉だったかな?

まさか  こんな甘いのは  男子は食べないよね?

2. IHOP's Cupcake Pancakes

砂糖が59g  塩が5.075g  だって。

NUTRITION: 810 calories, 23 g fat (12 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat), 2,030 mg sodium, 134 g carbs (4 g fiber, 59 g sugar), 17 g protein
"I'm all for indulging in your favorite foods, but I think IHOP has gone too far with their Cupcake Pancakes. A single serving provides 59 grams of sugar (over twice the daily maximum intake), which is 2-3 times more sugar than you would typically get from an actual cupcake," notes Caitlin Self, MS, CNS, LDN. "This dish also serves up 85% of your daily recommended sodium and has an incredibly long ingredients list that contains more preservatives and stabilizers than actual food. I'd much rather just have the cupcake!"
[3]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2021年06月18日 14時12分23秒 ) パスワード


スターバックス  ダメだとは聞いてたけど
コレ  びっくり過ぎ!

6. Starbucks' Grande White Chocolate Mocha with Whole Milk and Whipped cream, and an Iced Lemon Loaf

NUTRITION: 900 calories, 38 g fat (21 g saturated fat, 1 g trans fat), 550 mg sodium, 122 g carbs (1 g fiber, 95 g sugar), 21 g protein

"This combination option (which seems like a regular size breakfast, nothing extravagant) provides a total of 900 calories—almost half of what most of us would have for an entire day," says Silvia Carli, RD at 1AND1 LIFE. "The nutrition composition of this combination is also alarming because of the poor nutritional value of it. It contains 38 grams of fat, and 21 of these are saturated, and 1 gram is trans fats. Trans fats are well established to be pro-inflammatory and contributors to the development of heart disease."

She adds: "This combination is also poor in fiber (one gram total) but has a whopping 122 grams of carbohydrates, 95 of which are added sugars, which enter our system very quickly and cause a great spike in blood sugar. After consuming this breakfast, our body will still be hungry for nutrients like vitamins and minerals that are not present in this meal."
[4]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2021年06月18日 14時21分15秒 ) パスワード


名前にグレイズって書いてあるから  まさに  砂糖たっぷり  だね。

脂肪分が61gで 砂糖が166gだって。
アメリカ人が巨大デブなのは  こんなもん食べてりゃ  不思議じゃないわね。

11. Dunkin's Medium Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee with Cream and a Glazed Jelly Stick

NUTRITION: 1,390 calories, 61 g fat (31 g saturated fat, 1 g trans fat), 650 mg sodium, 200 g carbs (1 g fiber, 166 g sugar), 12 g protein
"Bomb combo for a total of 1390 calories, 61 grams of fat of which more than half are saturated (in perspective, the American Heart Association recommends an upper limit of 11-13 grams of saturated fats per day). This meal's protein is very low at 12 grams, a bad ratio for the calories provided," says Carli. "The fiber content sits at one gram total. Fiber is extremely important for gut health and can help to make us feel full aiding weight loss."
[5]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2021年06月18日 14時39分56秒 ) パスワード




(その代わりに RAW HONEY です。
今  見て来たら  カリフォルニア物だった。惜しい!


13. Starbucks' Grande Pistachio Coffee Frappuccino with Whole Milk

NUTRITION: 380 calories, 15 g fat (9 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat), 280 mg sodium, 58 g carbs (0 g fiber, 56 g sugar), 4 g protein
"Believe it or not, the absolute number one thing I would never get for breakfast is a Starbucks specialty drink – their frappuccinos are especially high in sugar, with the Pistachio Coffee Frappuccino clocking in at over twice the daily recommended value!" explains Self. "These drinks are milkshakes dressed up in their breakfast outfits (AKA tricking you into thinking they're a breakfast coffee). It's common for busy folks to grab one of these on busy mornings, but you get a double blow to your blood sugar due to the high sugar content, and the impact of coffee on cortisol and blood sugar when consumed on an empty stomach."






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