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 投稿番号:103577 投稿日:2013年10月23日 04時30分27秒  パスワード

コメントの種類 :生活  パスワード



目の色は茶色で大食いで数学的IQが非常に低い   大恥


[1]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月23日 04時31分56秒 ) パスワード



Type 2 Diabetes  2型糖尿病
わたくしの危険性 35.8% 平均 21.9% 平均と比べて何倍危険か? 1.63x  1.63倍

Gout   痛風   以下同じ 19.8% 7.2% 2.75x

Type 1 Diabetes  1型糖尿病   2.6% 1.0% 2.55x

Parkinson's Disease  パーキンソン病   1.8% 1.2% 1.43x

Rheumatoid Arthritis  リューマチ   1.7% 1.3% 1.35x

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis 肝硬変   0.42% 0.34% 1.25x

Scleroderma (Limited Cutaneous Type) 強皮症 0.20% 0.16% 1.24x


Stroke 脳卒中

Coronary Heart Disease: Preliminary Research

Celiac Disease: Preliminary Research


High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)


Glaucoma: Preliminary Research

Dupuytren's Disease

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma


Kidney Disease

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm


Gestational Diabetes

Stomach Cancer  胃癌

Kidney Cancer

Sjögren's Syndrome

Gout: Preliminary Research ここにも痛風

Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

Developmental Dyslexia

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate

Essential Tremor

Decreased Risk?   わたくしにとって危険性のない病気かも?危険率の低いものかも?

Venous Thromboembolism 7.0% 9.7% 0.72x

Alzheimer's Disease   アルツハイマーですよ〜 5.5% 8.5% 0.65x

Psoriasis    4.4% 10.1% 0.44x

Age-related Macular Degeneration 黄斑変性   3.4% 7.0% 0.48x

Restless Legs Syndrome    むずむず脚   1.8% 4.2% 0.44x

Multiple Sclerosis       0.41% 0.70% 0.59x

Ulcerative Colitis      0.38% 0.51% 0.76x

Exfoliation Glaucoma  緑内障    0.22% 1.00% 0.22x

Melanoma          皮膚癌   0.15% 1.70% 0.09x

Celiac Disease    0.13% 0.24% 0.54x

Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (ESCC)  0.06% 0.07% 0.80x

Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cardia Adenocarcinoma)   胃癌  0.05% 0.07% 0.77x


Basal Cell Carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Kidney Stones
Pancreatic cancer
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) タバコは吸わないからCOPDにはならないけど義兄の煙が?笑
Atrial Fibrillation:
Nicotine Dependence   ニコチン依存
Schizophrenia       分裂症
Selective IgA Deficiency
Ovarian Cancer
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Peripheral Arterial Disease
Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS)
Obesity               肥満
Breast Cancer Risk Modifiers     乳癌  こればっかりは確定は言えない
Tardive Dyskinesia
Back Pain              腰痛
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy    これについては集めたデータが100未満

Typical Risk?   誰にでもよくある危険な病気?

Obesity                肥満  51.9% 59.0% 0.88x

Coronary Heart Disease   冠動脈系心臓疾患  21.6% 24.4% 0.89x

Atrial Fibrillation     心房細動   13.0% 15.9% 0.82x

Gallstones                胆石  12.7% 14.3% 0.89x

Breast Cancer               乳癌   9.8% 8.8% 1.11x   あらら、ヤバそう

Lung Cancer          肺癌    5.0% 6.2% 0.81x

Colorectal Cancer    大腸癌    3.9% 3.4% 1.15x

Chronic Kidney Disease    慢性腎臓病  2.3% 2.2% 1.04x

Crohn's Disease     クローン病   0.42% 0.47% 0.89x

Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)   膠原病のルパス  0.35% 0.32% 1.09x

Bipolar Disorder         双極性(躁鬱病) 0.13% 0.14% 0.94x

ここからは意味不明。  誰にでも?50−50の確率で? さあどうでしょうという病気の一覧?:

Bladder Cancer                膀胱癌
Bipolar Disorder              双極性(躁鬱病)
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Alopecia Areata
Thyroid Cancer      甲状腺癌
Paget's Disease of Bone
Migraines     偏頭痛
Brain Aneurysm    脳動脈瘤
Hodgkin Lymphoma
Generalized Vitiligo
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)   花粉症
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Behçet's Disease
Alcohol Dependence          アルコール依存症
Parkinson's Disease     パーキンソン病
Restless Legs Syndrome    むずむず脚
Atopic Dermatitis       アトピー皮膚炎
Hypothyroidism    甲状腺機能低下症

以下どうやって解釈するのか分からないけど  老後の典型的な病気一覧  ?

Heart Rhythm Disorders (Arrhythmias)    不整脈かな?
Larynx Cancer                  喉頭癌
Esophageal Cancer               食道癌
Oral and Throat Cancer            口や喉の癌
Sarcoidosis                    類肉腫症
Alzheimer's Disease              アルツハイマー
Meningioma                     髄膜腫
Follicular Lymphoma               濾胞性リンパ腫
Sudden Cardiac Arrest             心臓発作
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia    慢性リンパ系白血病?
Sarcoma                       肉腫
Otosclerosis                   耳硬化症
Cluster Headaches          群発性頭痛
Uterine Fibroids     子宮線維症?
Neural Tube Defects
Hypertriglyceridemia    高中性脂肪症かな?
Placental Abruption
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease   これ、怖いんだよね
Preeclampsia                 子癇前症
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder   これは小学校でよく見られるADHDですね
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis     甲状腺の橋本病
Tourette's Syndrome     まずこんなのにかかる人はいないようです
[2]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月23日 05時09分58秒 ) パスワード

Maternal Line: D4b2a1 ←5万年前にアフリカを出たわたくしの遠い遠いおっ母さまを記号で表したものです。

100%  East Asian & Native American だって。
[3]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月23日 05時13分48秒 ) パスワード


[4]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月23日 05時14分58秒 ) パスワード


[5]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月23日 05時19分26秒 ) パスワード


B2a1   Chris Rock

C3   Genghis Khan

E   Al Roker

E1b1a8a*  Desmond Tutu

E1b1b1c1*  Napoleon Bonaparte

G2a3b1a   King Louis XVI

I1    Jimmy Buffett, Leo Tolstoy, Warren Buffett

I1a    Alexander Hamilton

J     Matt Lauer

J2a1b   Dr. Oz, Mike Nichols

O1a1    Yo-Yo Ma

R1a     Anderson Cooper

R1b     Charlie Rose, Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, John Adams, John Quincy Adams

R1b1     Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan

R1b1b2a1a    Malcolm Gladwell

R1b1b2a1a2d    Mario Batali

R1b1b2a1a2f    Stephen Colbert

R1b1b2a1a2f2    Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

R1b1c       William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson, Zachary Taylor

T         Thomas Jefferson
[6]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月23日 05時24分55秒 ) パスワード


ワタクシは約 2.7% of your DNA is from Neanderthals.
34th percentile

東アジア人は約 2.8%

Higher brow
Narrower shoulders
Slightly taller

Heavy eyebrow ridge
Long, low, bigger skull
Prominent nose with developed nasal chambers for cold-air protection

Neanderthals were a group of humans who lived in Europe and Western Asia.

They are the closest evolutionary relatives of modern humans, but they went extinct about 30,000 years ago.

The first Neanderthals arrived in Europe as early as 600,000 to 350,000 years ago.

Neanderthals — Homo neanderthalensis — and modern humans — Homo sapiens — lived along side each other for thousands of years.

Genetic evidence suggest that they interbred and although Neanderthals disappeared about 30,000 years ago, traces of their DNA — between 1 percent and 4 percent — are found in all modern humans outside of Africa.

Apart from the curiosity of finding what percentage of a modern human's genome is Neanderthal, the information has great value for science.

By comparing our DNA with Neanderthal DNA, scientists can detect the most recent evolutionary changes as we developed into fully modern humans.
[7]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月23日 05時34分53秒 ) パスワード

Drug Response   薬が効果があるとか役に立たないとか

Warfarin (Coumadin®) Sensitivity
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants

Response to Hepatitis C Treatment
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants

Thiopurine Methyltransferase Deficiency
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants

Clopidogrel (Plavix®) Efficacy
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants

Fluorouracil Toxicity
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants

Sulfonylurea Drug Clearance (Type 2 Diabetes Treatment)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants

Alcohol Consumption, Smoking and Risk of Esophageal Cancer
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants

Abacavir Hypersensitivity
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants

Pseudocholinesterase Deficiency
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants

Phenytoin (Dilantin®) Sensitivity (Epilepsy Drug)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants

Oral Contraceptives, Hormone Replacement Therapy and Risk of Venous Thromboembolism
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants


Caffeine Metabolism
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
Slow Metabolizer

Hepatitis C Treatment Side Effects
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Metformin Response
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
Higher Odds of Positive Response

Warfarin (Coumadin®) Sensitivity: Preliminary Research
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
Lower dose, if African-American


Naltrexone Treatment Response
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
See Report

Response to Interferon Beta Therapy
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
Increased Odds of Responding

Antidepressant Response
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
See Report

Statin Response
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
See Report

Beta-Blocker Response
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
See Report

Lumiracoxib (Prexige®) Side Effects
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
Typical Odds

Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
Typical Odds

Heroin Addiction
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
Higher Odds

Floxacillin Toxicity
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
Typical Odds
[8]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月23日 05時57分18秒 ) パスワード




例えば  テイ・サックスとか。






Inherited Conditions

Familial Dysautonomia
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Canavan Disease
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Hemochromatosis (HFE-related) ← 最近知った遺伝病(彼は黒人だった)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Familial Hyperinsulinism (ABCC8-related)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 2 (PH2)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type 1 (RCDP1)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Torsion Dystonia
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

TTR-Related Cardiac Amyloidosis
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Mucolipidosis IV
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Leigh Syndrome, French Canadian Type (LSFC) ← カナダのフランス系の病気
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation Type 1a (PMM2-CDG)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

DPD Deficiency
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (PPT1-related)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (MCAD) Deficiency
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1a
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1b
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Gaucher Disease
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

G6PD Deficiency
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Cystic Fibrosis
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Factor XI Deficiency
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Zellweger Syndrome Spectrum
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

D-Bifunctional Protein Deficiency
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Usher Syndrome Type I (PCDH15-related)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

LAMB3-related Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Familial Mediterranean Fever
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Usher Syndrome Type III
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

TTR-Related Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Pendred Syndrome
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Tyrosinemia Type I
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Hereditary Fructose Intolerance  果糖がダメ?
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Familial Hypercholesterolemia Type B 家族性の高コレステロールってのですね。日本人でもいますね
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (MYBPC3 25bp-deletion) 義父はこれで亡くなったのかな?
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

BRCA Cancer Mutations (Selected)  これが某女優さんの摘出話で有名になったのかな?
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Connexin 26-Related Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Beta Thalassemia
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Sickle Cell Anemia & Malaria Resistance   これが上記に書いたアフリカ〜インドに多い鎌状赤血球貧血
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Niemann-Pick Disease Type A
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Fanconi Anemia (FANCC-related)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Bloom's Syndrome
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Salla Disease
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

GRACILE Syndrome
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Maple Syrup Urine Disease Type 1B
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Tay-Sachs Disease  これがアシュケナージに多いテイ・サックス病
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum with Peripheral Neuropathy (ACCPN)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (CLN5-related)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Variant Absent

Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
No Data
[10]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月23日 07時25分14秒 ) パスワード



Alcohol Flush Reaction
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Does Not Flush


Bitter Taste Perception
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Unlikely to Taste

Earwax Type
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants


Eye Color
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Likely Brown


Hair Curl
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Slightly Curlier Hair on Average


Lactose Intolerance
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Likely Intolerant


Malaria Resistance (Duffy Antigen)
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Not Resistant

Muscle Performance
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Likely Sprinter


Non-ABO Blood Groups
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
See Report

Norovirus Resistance
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Not Resistant


Resistance to HIV/AIDS
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Not Resistant

Smoking Behavior
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants

Male Pattern Baldness
Established Research: Multiple studies with 750+ participants
Not Applicable


Adiponectin Levels
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Asparagus Metabolite Detection
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
Typical Odds of Detecting

Biological Aging
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Birth Weight
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Blood Glucose
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
5.18 mmol/L on Average

Breast Morphology
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Breastfeeding and IQ
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

C-reactive Protein Level
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Caffeine Consumption
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Childhood and Adolescent Growth
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Chronic Hepatitis B
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Eye Color: Preliminary Research
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Finger Length Ratio
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Food Preference
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

HDL ("Good") Cholesterol Levels
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Hair Color
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Hair Curl: Preliminary Research
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Iris Patterns
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

LDL ("Bad") Cholesterol Levels
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Leprosy Susceptibility
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Malaria Complications
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
Typical Odds of Severe Malarial Anemia

Measures of Obesity
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
Typical Odds of Early Menopause

Nearsightedness and Farsightedness
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Persistent Fetal Hemoglobin
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Photic Sneeze Reflex
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
Typical Odds

Reading Ability
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
Typical Nonword Reading Score

Response to Diet
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Response to Exercise
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Sex Hormone Regulation
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Tooth Development
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Tuberculosis Susceptibility
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
See Report

Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
Not Applicable

Male Pattern Baldness: Preliminary Research
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
Not Applicable

Prostate-Specific Antigen
Preliminary Research: A single study with 750+ participants
Not Applicable

Eating Behavior
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
Typical tendency to overeat


HIV Progression
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
See Report

Hair Thickness
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
Typical, if Asian

Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
See Report

Measures of Intelligence
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
Lower Non-Verbal IQ


Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
Increased Episodic Memory


Odor Detection
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied
Reduced Sensitivity to Sweaty Odor

Pain Sensitivity
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 750 people studied

Avoidance of Errors
Preliminary Research: Fewer than 100 people studied
See Report
[11]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月24日 14時53分13秒 ) パスワード

わたくしはネアンデルタール率が 2.7% で
    東アジア人の平均は  2.8%

わたくしの夫は   3.1% で
ヨーロッパ人は  2.7% なんですって。
[12]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月24日 14時59分45秒 ) パスワード


夫は  99.6% がヨーロッパで  0.4% が特定できないそうです。

   8.1%がイギリスとアイリッシュ系で   (母親がケルト入ってるから)ショーン・コネリーの目にそっくり
[13]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月24日 22時22分27秒 ) パスワード


日本人の遺伝子型は  D4です。

わたくしは  D4b2a1 です。



読売新聞 - 2013年10月24日 18:35



[14]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月25日 05時35分56秒 ) パスワード


[15]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月25日 12時21分09秒 ) パスワード

痛風に危険度が高いのは たぶん果糖のせいかも。




男性9 :女性1  で痛風になるそうなので


[16]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月26日 07時52分12秒 ) パスワード


1番目に危険なのが  II型糖尿病
2番目に危険なのが  痛風

で、3番目に危険なのが  I 型糖尿病 なのよね。

IとIIが一緒に来るなんてあるとしたら  ワタシ かもね。


[17]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月27日 15時24分35秒 ) パスワード


[18]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月27日 15時27分44秒 ) パスワード

でも  I 型とII 型の糖尿病の遺伝子が同時に存在するんですが・・・



[19]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月29日 12時59分20秒 ) パスワード


わたくしの空腹時プラズマ血糖値は  いわゆる病院の採血の血糖値に直すと  93 だそうです。

オットは  92。


オットもわたくしもミゴトに  糖尿病になるのは  生活習慣だ  ということですね。

[20]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月31日 05時50分54秒 ) パスワード




[22]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年10月31日 14時13分41秒 ) パスワード












[23]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月02日 03時40分33秒 ) パスワード

Alcohol Flush Reaction
GG Two working copies of ALDH2. Little or no flushing reaction to alcohol.

Bitter Taste Perception
CC Has about an 80% chance of not being able to taste certain bitter flavors.

Ear Wax
TT Dry earwax.

Eye Color
AA In Europeans, 85% chance of brown eyes; 14% chance of green eyes; 1% chance of blue eyes.

Hair Curl
GG In Europeans, slightly curlier hair on average.

Lactose Intolerance
GG Likely to be lactose intolerant due to lack of the lactase enzyme as an adult. Unable to drink more than a glass of milk a day due to lower adult lactase enzyme levels. (May still be lactose tolerant for environmental reasons.)

Malaria Resistance (Duffy Antigen)
TT Not resistant to P. vivax malaria.

Muscle Performance
CC Two working copies of alpha-actinin-3 in fast-twitch muscle fiber. Many world-class sprinters and some endurance athletes have this genotype.

Non-ABO Blood Groups

Norovirus Resistance
GG Susceptible to infection by the most common strain of norovirus.

Resistance to HIV/AIDS
II Not resistant to HIV infection; shows average time of progression to AIDS after infection.

Smoking Behavior
GG In Europeans who smoke, likely to smoke the typical number of cigarettes per day.

Adiponectin Levels
1.AG Subjects had typical adiponectin levels, on average.
2.AG Subjects had typical adiponectin levels, on average.
3.AG Subjects had slightly lower adiponectin levels, on average.

Asparagus Metabolite Detection
GG Typical odds of smelling asparagus in one's urine

Biological Aging
CT Shorter telomeres on average, equivalent to those of a person 3.91 years older.
AC Typical telomere length on average.
AA Typical telomere length on average.
AG Longer telomeres on average, equivalent to those of a person 2.47 years younger.
TT Typical telomere length on average.

Blood Glucose
CC Subjects had average fasting plasma glucose levels of 5.18 mmol/L (about 93 mg/dl).

Breast Morphology

Effect of breastfeeding on IQ
CC   Being breastfed raised subjects' IQ by 6-7 points on average.
AA   Being breastfed raised subjects' IQ by 4-5 points on average.

C-reactive Protein Level
GG   Subjects had slightly higher C-reactive protein levels, on average.
AA   Subjects had typical C-reactive protein levels, on average.
TT   On average, female subjects with this genotype had C-reactive protein levels of 1.40 mg/L.
[24]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月02日 03時54分59秒 ) パスワード


Caffeine Consumption
CC   Subjects who drank coffee consumed a typical amount of coffee per day, on average.
CT   Subjects who drank caffeinated beverages consumed a typical amount of caffeine per day, on average.

Childhood and Adolescent Growth
GG   Slightly less growth during adolescence, on average.
TT   Typical growth during late adolescence, on average.

Chronic hepatitis B
AA   Moderately lower odds of developing chronic hepatitis B, if infected with HBV.
CC   Moderately lower odds of developing chronic hepatitis B, if infected with HBV.

Eye Color II
GG Typical odds of having blue instead of green eyes, if eyes are non-brown.
GT Typical odds of having blue instead of green eyes, if eyes are non-brown.

Finger Length Ratio
AG Typical finger length ratio on average.

Food Preference
NC No call
GG Typical daily sugar consumption.

CT Typical amount of freckling
GG Fewer than the typical number of moles; likely to have no freckles.

[25]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月02日 04時26分37秒 ) パスワード


HDL ("Good") Cholesterol Levels
CC Typical HDL cholesterol level.
CT HDL cholesterol level is 0.57 mg/dL higher, on average.

Hair Color
CC Typical odds of having red hair.
CC Greatly decreased odds of having blond hair (vs. brown hair).

Hair Curl: Preliminary Research
CT Slightly curlier hair, on average.

GT Typical height.

Iris Patterns
GG Slightly less pronounced crypts, on average.
NC No call

LDL ("Bad") Cholesterol Levels
TT Typical LDL cholesterol level.

Leprosy Susceptibility
GG Slightly higher odds of multibacillary leprosy infection if exposed.
CC Slightly lower odds of leprosy infection if exposed.
AA Typical odds of leprosy infection if exposed.
TT Typical odds of leprosy infection if exposed.

Malaria Complications
AA Typical odds of severe malarial anemia if infected with malaria.

Measures of Obesity
CC Typical BMI.
GG On average, BMI is 0.35 units lower than typical for adults (equivalent to 2-3 pounds, depending on height).
GG On average, BMI is 0.41 units lower than typical for adults (about 2-3 pounds, depending on height).
TT On average, BMI is 0.33 units lower than typical for adults (2-3 pounds, depending on height).
CT Typical BMI.
GG On average, BMI is 0.15 units lower than typical for adults (1-2 pounds, depending on height).
AG Typical BMI.


GG Typical odds of early menopause, if female.

Nearsightedness and Farsightedness
CT Typical odds of developing high myopia.
AG Typical amount of refractive error.
AA Refractive error was 0.15 diopters lower on average.

Persistent Fetal Hemoglobin
AA Adult subjects continued to produce some fetal hemoglobin, which may reduce the severity of sickle cell anemia or thalassemia in people with these diseases.
CC Subjects had typical levels of fetal hemoglobin, on average.
CT Subjects had slightly higher levels of fetal hemoglobin, on average.

Photic Sneeze Reflex
CT Typical odds of having the photic sneeze reflex

Reading Ability
TT Subjects had the typical nonword reading score.

Response to Diet
CC A diet high in monounsaturated fat is not likely to have beneficial effects on BMI or waist circumference.
AA Typical odds of obesity on both a high and low saturated fat diet.
AG Dietary fat consumption is not associated with changes in BMI.

Response to Exercise
TT Tendency towards lower BMI. Exercise is associated with a slight reduction in BMI of about 0.85 units (about 5 lbs in a person 5'7" tall) on average.
CC Little or no change in glucose tolerance with regular exercise.
TT Exercise is not associated with improved insulin sensitivity.
AA Decreasing calorie intake and increasing physical activity through walking is associated with weight loss.
[26]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月02日 04時43分06秒 ) パスワード


Sex Hormone Regulation
CT On average, typical levels of circulating SHBG in postmenopausal women.
CC Typical odds of having low testosterone levels, if male.
GG Typical levels of circulating SHBG.

Tooth Development
AA Typical number of permanent teeth at 10-12 years of age, on average.
TT One fewer permanent tooth at 10-12 years of age, on average.
TT Typical number of permanent teeth at 10-12 years of age, on average.
AA One more permanent tooth at 10-12 years of age, on average.

Tuberculosis Susceptibility
GG Slightly higher odds of developing tuberculosis, if exposed.
AA Slightly higher odds of developing tuberculosis, if exposed.

Eating Behavior
AG Women showed typical tendency to overeat, on average.

HIV Progression
TT Typical odds of being an HIV controller and typical virus levels if infected.
TT Typical time between HIV infection and progression to AIDS.

Hair Thickness
GG Typical Asian hair thickness.

AC Typical odds of living to 100.
CT Moderately greater odds of reaching age 95 or beyond.

Measures of Intelligence
GG Subjects' non-verbal IQ performance averaged three points lower.

TT Slightly increased episodic memory.

Odor Detection
TT Reduced sensitivity to the sweaty smell of isovaleric acid.

Pain Sensitivity
AA Increased sensitivity to pain.

Avoidance of Errors
AG Much less efficient at learning to avoid errors.
[27]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月02日 06時12分53秒 ) パスワード

Alcohol Flush Reaction  アル中になり易い
GG Two working copies of ALDH2. Little or no flushing reaction to alcohol.

Bitter Taste Perception 苦味を感じ難い
CC Has about an 80% chance of not being able to taste certain bitter flavors.

Ear Wax           耳垢  乾燥タイプ
TT Dry earwax.

Eye Color          目の色{茶色}
AA In Europeans, 85% chance of brown eyes; 14% chance of green eyes; 1% chance of blue eyes.

Hair Curl          髪の毛のカール:少々
GG In Europeans, slightly curlier hair on average.

Lactose Intolerance    乳糖に対して飲めなくはないが弱い
GG Likely to be lactose intolerant due to lack of the lactase enzyme as an adult. Unable to drink more than a glass of milk a day due to lower adult lactase enzyme levels. (May still be lactose tolerant for environmental reasons.)

Malaria Resistance (Duffy Antigen)  マラリアには感染する
TT Not resistant to P. vivax malaria.

Muscle Performance     筋肉は世界レベルの短距離走者と同じ
CC Two working copies of alpha-actinin-3 in fast-twitch muscle fiber. Many world-class sprinters and some endurance athletes have this genotype.

Non-ABO Blood Groups    わからない

Norovirus Resistance    ノロウイルスにはしっかり感染
GG Susceptible to infection by the most common strain of norovirus.

Resistance to HIV/AIDS   HIVやエイズに罹患し普通に進行
II Not resistant to HIV infection; shows average time of progression to AIDS after infection.

Smoking Behavior       タバコフツーの本数
GG In Europeans who smoke, likely to smoke the typical number of cigarettes per day.

Adiponectin Levels      アディポネクチン・レベルは普通〜ちょっと低いあたり
1.AG Subjects had typical adiponectin levels, on average.
2.AG Subjects had typical adiponectin levels, on average.
3.AG Subjects had slightly lower adiponectin levels, on average.

Asparagus Metabolite Detection  アスパラガスの臭いを尿中に嗅ぎ分ける
GG Typical odds of smelling asparagus in one's urine

Biological Aging      老化は速い・普通・遅い   どっちだ〜?
CT Shorter telomeres on average, equivalent to those of a person 3.91 years older.
AC Typical telomere length on average.
AA Typical telomere length on average.
AG Longer telomeres on average, equivalent to those of a person 2.47 years younger.
TT Typical telomere length on average.

Blood Glucose        血糖値  93
CC Subjects had average fasting plasma glucose levels of 5.18 mmol/L (about 93 mg/dl).

Breast Morphology      おっぱい   大中小  犬や猫の母ちゃんじゃあるまいし6つも無いのに

Effect of breastfeeding on IQ   母乳効果でIQは普通より高い?
CC   Being breastfed raised subjects' IQ by 6-7 points on average.
AA   Being breastfed raised subjects' IQ by 4-5 points on average.

C-reactive Protein Level    分からない
GG   Subjects had slightly higher C-reactive protein levels, on average.
AA   Subjects had typical C-reactive protein levels, on average.
TT   On average, female subjects with this genotype had C-reactive protein levels of 1.40 mg/L.

Caffeine Consumption     コーヒー消費量  普通
CC   Subjects who drank coffee consumed a typical amount of coffee per day, on average.
CT   Subjects who drank caffeinated beverages consumed a typical amount of caffeine per day, on average.

Childhood and Adolescent Growth   成長度  子供の時は遅くて青年期に普通?
GG   Slightly less growth during adolescence, on average.
TT   Typical growth during late adolescence, on average.

Chronic hepatitis B     慢性肝炎B型   感染しても慢性にはなりにくい
AA   Moderately lower odds of developing chronic hepatitis B, if infected with HBV.
CC   Moderately lower odds of developing chronic hepatitis B, if infected with HBV.

Eye Color II      目の色   茶色でなかったら  青>緑
GG Typical odds of having blue instead of green eyes, if eyes are non-brown.
GT Typical odds of having blue instead of green eyes, if eyes are non-brown.

Finger Length Ratio     指の長さ   普通
AG Typical finger length ratio on average.

Food Preference       食べ物の好み   評価無し  砂糖摂取は普通
NC No call
GG Typical daily sugar consumption.

Freckling      そばかす  ほくろの数は少なく、ソバカスは全く無い
CT Typical amount of freckling
GG Fewer than the typical number of moles; likely to have no freckles.

HDL ("Good") Cholesterol Levels   HDL  普通 または 平均より0.57mg/dl高め
CC Typical HDL cholesterol level.
CT HDL cholesterol level is 0.57 mg/dL higher, on average.

Hair Color     髪の色   赤毛  ブロンドは全然可能性無し
CC Typical odds of having red hair.
CC Greatly decreased odds of having blond hair (vs. brown hair).

Hair Curl: Preliminary Research    髪の毛のカール(訂正前)  ちょっとクルクルしてる
CT Slightly curlier hair, on average.

Height      身長   普通   (当たってないね)
GT Typical height.

Iris Patterns    虹彩    瞳孔が少ない?
GG Slightly less pronounced crypts, on average.
NC No call

LDL ("Bad") Cholesterol Levels   LDL  普通
TT Typical LDL cholesterol level.

Leprosy Susceptibility      ライ病    バイ菌を拾い易い方・そうでもない方・普通に感染
GG Slightly higher odds of multibacillary leprosy infection if exposed.
CC Slightly lower odds of leprosy infection if exposed.
AA Typical odds of leprosy infection if exposed.
TT Typical odds of leprosy infection if exposed.

Malaria Complications   マラリア   かかったら重度のマラリア性貧血
AA Typical odds of severe malarial anemia if infected with malaria.

Measures of Obesity    肥満度  低め
CC Typical BMI.
GG On average, BMI is 0.35 units lower than typical for adults (equivalent to 2-3 pounds, depending on height).
GG On average, BMI is 0.41 units lower than typical for adults (about 2-3 pounds, depending on height).
TT On average, BMI is 0.33 units lower than typical for adults (2-3 pounds, depending on height).
CT Typical BMI.
GG On average, BMI is 0.15 units lower than typical for adults (1-2 pounds, depending on height).
AG Typical BMI.

Menarche          初潮   3つの可能性

Menopause          閉経   早い方
GG Typical odds of early menopause, if female.

Nearsightedness and Farsightedness   近視遠視
CT Typical odds of developing high myopia.   近視になる
AG Typical amount of refractive error.     普通に屈折エラーがある(なんちゅう日本語)
AA Refractive error was 0.15 diopters lower on average.  平均より屈折率が0.15低い(意味不明)

Persistent Fetal Hemoglobin    胎児のヘモグロビン  黒人に特有の鎌状赤血球貧血の話
AA Adult subjects continued to produce some fetal hemoglobin, which may reduce the severity of sickle cell anemia or thalassemia in people with these diseases.
CC Subjects had typical levels of fetal hemoglobin, on average.
CT Subjects had slightly higher levels of fetal hemoglobin, on average.

Photic Sneeze Reflex      光くしゃみ反応   普通だって。  そうなの?
CT Typical odds of having the photic sneeze reflex

Reading Ability      読む力   難読症についての件
TT Subjects had the typical nonword reading score.

Response to Diet     ダイエット   良く分からない  頑張って不飽和脂肪酸を摂取しても痩せないってこと?
CC A diet high in monounsaturated fat is not likely to have beneficial effects on BMI or waist circumference.
AA Typical odds of obesity on both a high and low saturated fat diet.  飽和脂肪酸には関係なくデブる?
AG Dietary fat consumption is not associated with changes in BMI. どっちにしろBMIは変化しない?

Response to Exercise   運動について  運動で2kg減るけど血糖値の改善は見込めない。
TT Tendency towards lower BMI. Exercise is associated with a slight reduction in BMI of about 0.85 units (about 5 lbs in a person 5'7" tall) on average.
CC Little or no change in glucose tolerance with regular exercise.
TT Exercise is not associated with improved insulin sensitivity.
AA Decreasing calorie intake and increasing physical activity through walking is associated with weight loss.カロリー摂取量を減らしてウオーキングをしたら体重を減らすことが出来る。

Sex Hormone Regulation   性ホルモン  閉経後の女性ホルモンは普通だが男性ならテステステロンは低い
CT On average, typical levels of circulating SHBG in postmenopausal women.
CC Typical odds of having low testosterone levels, if male.
GG Typical levels of circulating SHBG.

Tooth Development     歯の成長  10歳〜12歳で永久歯が完了  こんな感じ?
AA Typical number of permanent teeth at 10-12 years of age, on average.
TT One fewer permanent tooth at 10-12 years of age, on average.
TT Typical number of permanent teeth at 10-12 years of age, on average.
AA One more permanent tooth at 10-12 years of age, on average.

Tuberculosis Susceptibility    結核   結核菌にさらされたら高めの率で結核に進行
GG Slightly higher odds of developing tuberculosis, if exposed.
AA Slightly higher odds of developing tuberculosis, if exposed.

Eating Behavior     食べること   食べ過ぎの傾向
AG Women showed typical tendency to overeat, on average.

HIV Progression     HIVの進行  感染したら普通のウイルスレベルに進行
TT Typical odds of being an HIV controller and typical virus levels if infected.
TT Typical time between HIV infection and progression to AIDS.エイズになるのも普通の時間で進行

Hair Thickness     髪の毛の量   普通のアジア女性の量
GG Typical Asian hair thickness.

Longevity        長生き度   100歳まで生きるタイプ
AC Typical odds of living to 100.
CT Moderately greater odds of reaching age 95 or beyond.95歳以上生きる可能性大

Measures of Intelligence   知性    理数系知能指数低し  普通より3ポイント低い 大泣き
GG Subjects' non-verbal IQ performance averaged three points lower.

Memory         記憶   想い出に関わる記憶力高い方
TT Slightly increased episodic memory.

Odor Detection    嗅覚   汗のにおいにあんまり敏感ではない方
TT Reduced sensitivity to the sweaty smell of isovaleric acid.

Pain Sensitivity   痛み    すっごく痛みに敏感
AA Increased sensitivity to pain.

Avoidance of Errors  間違いを避ける力   何遍失敗しても学習効果無し  (やっぱり?)
AG Much less efficient at learning to avoid errors.
[28]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月02日 06時30分58秒 ) パスワード


Alcohol Flush Reaction
GG Two working copies of ALDH2. Little or no flushing reaction to alcohol.

Bitter Taste Perception
CC Has about an 80% chance of not being able to taste certain bitter flavors.

Ear Wax
TT Dry earwax.

Eye Color
AA In Europeans, 85% chance of brown eyes; 14% chance of green eyes; 1% chance of blue eyes.

Hair Curl
GG In Europeans, slightly curlier hair on average.

Lactose Intolerance
GG Likely to be lactose intolerant due to lack of the lactase enzyme as an adult. Unable to drink more than a glass of milk a day due to lower adult lactase enzyme levels. (May still be lactose tolerant for environmental reasons.)

Malaria Resistance (Duffy Antigen)
TT Not resistant to P. vivax malaria.

Muscle Performance
CC Two working copies of alpha-actinin-3 in fast-twitch muscle fiber. Many world-class sprinters and some endurance athletes have this genotype.

Non-ABO Blood Groups

Norovirus Resistance
GG Susceptible to infection by the most common strain of norovirus.

Resistance to HIV/AIDS
II Not resistant to HIV infection; shows average time of progression to AIDS after infection.

Smoking Behavior
GG In Europeans who smoke, likely to smoke the typical number of cigarettes per day.

Adiponectin Levels
1.AG Subjects had typical adiponectin levels, on average.
2.AG Subjects had typical adiponectin levels, on average.
3.AG Subjects had slightly lower adiponectin levels, on average.

Asparagus Metabolite Detection
GG Typical odds of smelling asparagus in one's urine

Biological Aging
CT Shorter telomeres on average, equivalent to those of a person 3.91 years older.
AC Typical telomere length on average.
AA Typical telomere length on average.
AG Longer telomeres on average, equivalent to those of a person 2.47 years younger.
TT Typical telomere length on average.

Blood Glucose
CC Subjects had average fasting plasma glucose levels of 5.18 mmol/L (about 93 mg/dl).

Breast Morphology

Effect of breastfeeding on IQ
CC   Being breastfed raised subjects' IQ by 6-7 points on average.
AA   Being breastfed raised subjects' IQ by 4-5 points on average.

C-reactive Protein Level
GG   Subjects had slightly higher C-reactive protein levels, on average.
AA   Subjects had typical C-reactive protein levels, on average.
TT   On average, female subjects with this genotype had C-reactive protein levels of 1.40 mg/L.

Caffeine Consumption
CC   Subjects who drank coffee consumed a typical amount of coffee per day, on average.
CT   Subjects who drank caffeinated beverages consumed a typical amount of caffeine per day, on average.

Childhood and Adolescent Growth
GG   Slightly less growth during adolescence, on average.
TT   Typical growth during late adolescence, on average.

Chronic hepatitis B
AA   Moderately lower odds of developing chronic hepatitis B, if infected with HBV.
CC   Moderately lower odds of developing chronic hepatitis B, if infected with HBV.

Eye Color II
GG Typical odds of having blue instead of green eyes, if eyes are non-brown.
GT Typical odds of having blue instead of green eyes, if eyes are non-brown.

Finger Length Ratio
AG Typical finger length ratio on average.

Food Preference
NC No call
GG Typical daily sugar consumption.

CT Typical amount of freckling
GG Fewer than the typical number of moles; likely to have no freckles.

HDL ("Good") Cholesterol Levels
CC Typical HDL cholesterol level.
CT HDL cholesterol level is 0.57 mg/dL higher, on average.

Hair Color
CC Typical odds of having red hair.
CC Greatly decreased odds of having blond hair (vs. brown hair).

Hair Curl: Preliminary Research
CT Slightly curlier hair, on average.

GT Typical height.

Iris Patterns
GG Slightly less pronounced crypts, on average.
NC No call

LDL ("Bad") Cholesterol Levels
TT Typical LDL cholesterol level.

Leprosy Susceptibility
GG Slightly higher odds of multibacillary leprosy infection if exposed.
CC Slightly lower odds of leprosy infection if exposed.
AA Typical odds of leprosy infection if exposed.
TT Typical odds of leprosy infection if exposed.

Malaria Complications
AA Typical odds of severe malarial anemia if infected with malaria.

Measures of Obesity
CC Typical BMI.
GG On average, BMI is 0.35 units lower than typical for adults (equivalent to 2-3 pounds, depending on height).
GG On average, BMI is 0.41 units lower than typical for adults (about 2-3 pounds, depending on height).
TT On average, BMI is 0.33 units lower than typical for adults (2-3 pounds, depending on height).
CT Typical BMI.
GG On average, BMI is 0.15 units lower than typical for adults (1-2 pounds, depending on height).
AG Typical BMI.


GG Typical odds of early menopause, if female.

Nearsightedness and Farsightedness
CT Typical odds of developing high myopia.
AG Typical amount of refractive error.
AA Refractive error was 0.15 diopters lower on average.

Persistent Fetal Hemoglobin
AA Adult subjects continued to produce some fetal hemoglobin, which may reduce the severity of sickle cell anemia or thalassemia in people with these diseases.
CC Subjects had typical levels of fetal hemoglobin, on average.
CT Subjects had slightly higher levels of fetal hemoglobin, on average.

Photic Sneeze Reflex
CT Typical odds of having the photic sneeze reflex

Reading Ability
TT Subjects had the typical nonword reading score.

Response to Diet
CC A diet high in monounsaturated fat is not likely to have beneficial effects on BMI or waist circumference.
AA Typical odds of obesity on both a high and low saturated fat diet.
AG Dietary fat consumption is not associated with changes in BMI.

Response to Exercise
TT Tendency towards lower BMI. Exercise is associated with a slight reduction in BMI of about 0.85 units (about 5 lbs in a person 5'7" tall) on average.
CC Little or no change in glucose tolerance with regular exercise.
TT Exercise is not associated with improved insulin sensitivity.
AA Decreasing calorie intake and increasing physical activity through walking is associated with weight loss.

Sex Hormone Regulation
CT On average, typical levels of circulating SHBG in postmenopausal women.
CC Typical odds of having low testosterone levels, if male.
GG Typical levels of circulating SHBG.

Tooth Development
AA Typical number of permanent teeth at 10-12 years of age, on average.
TT One fewer permanent tooth at 10-12 years of age, on average.
TT Typical number of permanent teeth at 10-12 years of age, on average.
AA One more permanent tooth at 10-12 years of age, on average.

Tuberculosis Susceptibility
GG Slightly higher odds of developing tuberculosis, if exposed.
AA Slightly higher odds of developing tuberculosis, if exposed.

Eating Behavior
AG Women showed typical tendency to overeat, on average.

HIV Progression
TT Typical odds of being an HIV controller and typical virus levels if infected.
TT Typical time between HIV infection and progression to AIDS.

Hair Thickness
GG Typical Asian hair thickness.

AC Typical odds of living to 100.
CT Moderately greater odds of reaching age 95 or beyond.

Measures of Intelligence
GG Subjects' non-verbal IQ performance averaged three points lower.

TT Slightly increased episodic memory.

Odor Detection
TT Reduced sensitivity to the sweaty smell of isovaleric acid.

Pain Sensitivity
AA Increased sensitivity to pain.

Avoidance of Errors
AG Much less efficient at learning to avoid errors.
[29]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月08日 04時08分25秒 ) パスワード









[30]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月09日 04時23分40秒 ) パスワード





[31]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月12日 02時53分28秒 ) パスワード




[32]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月12日 02時58分09秒 ) パスワード







[33]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月12日 03時06分25秒 ) パスワード









[34]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月22日 02時56分54秒 ) パスワード
























中国の漢民族とさ れる中原の民族のDNA構成を見ても、



血統の中心は、D2系統(北古参モンゴロイド)を中心として、O2(長江)系30%、O3(黄河) 系、C/N系が若干という形です。
しかも、東南 アジアを中心としたO2a系統と中国からのO3系統がそれぞれの構成の1割程度が確認される。


過去の日本列島が地味豊かで、人間をやさしく迎え入れるような約束の地であった証左  (人 類史とDNAを解析した人の共通の感想)

Y染色体を見ると、北古参モンゴロイド特有の D系統がゼロ。


実際の朝鮮人のDNA比率を見ると、O2b系 で残された民族(D系を有しない長江系)が、O3系を持つ旧漢民族(現在の漢民族はO2b系が34%程度で、混血したもの)に犯され、次いで C3系を持つ女真や満族に支配された陵辱の歴史が見事に現れています。

半島は血統的な部分で、Ob系 統(長江系)を基にしてるのは一緒だが、少なくとも日本人特有の特徴は一切持たず、日本人に無い漢民族に蹂躙されつくした痕跡を多量に持ってる。

つまり、黄河文明の中心である旧漢民族(O3系)との争いに敗れた長江文明民族が東南アジアと極東アジアに逃れ、その先端部分で あるO2a系とO2b系が日本に着いて、D系、O系、N系の旧日本人(アイヌ・縄文・琉球)と混血した。

その際、漢民族に蹂躙されまくった混血が現地に残り、徐々に極東方面に移り住んで、それが半島付近に定住し、さらに満族などに蹂躙されまくり、現在の朝鮮人になった。そのため、文化的ミームは利益・金しかなくなった中華文明(黄河文明)的ミームとなり、文化面の根本基盤が日本と全く異なる中国傍系の民族となっ た。


高句麗〜百済までの流れを確認すると、当該国の中核的民族にD系統の遺伝子が確認される。 つまり、古朝鮮と呼ばれる国家・文化の担い手は、実は源日本人の一派であり、現韓国人とは全く 血縁関係の無い民族が中心であった。

ワタシは  D4b2a1 です。

Maternal haplogroups are families of mitochondrial DNA types that all trace back to a single mutation at a specific place and time. By looking at the geographic distribution of mtDNA types, we learn how our ancient female ancestors migrated throughout the world.
Haplogroup: D, a subgroup of M
Age: 45,000 years
Region: Americas, Asia
Example Populations: Native Americans, Yupik, Chukchi
Highlight: People carrying mitochondrial DNA from haplogroup D may have been among the first to reach the tip of South America.

Haplogroup D tracks the initial migration of hunter-gatherers into the Americas from Siberia into Alaska and all the way to present-day Chile. It is especially common along the Pacific coast, a suggestion that maritime people may have been among the earliest inhabitants of the Americas.

Your Family and Friends


他のJapanese Person

Chinese Person

Nigerian Person

Famous People

Eva Longoria

Yo-Yo Ma

Luke the Evangelist, Marie Antoinette, Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince Philip, Susan Sarandon

Dr. Oz

Jimmy Buffett

Warren Buffett バフェット爺さんね、富豪の。

Mario Batali

Katie Couric, Meryl Streep, Stephen Colbert

Mike Nichols

Desmond Tutu

Malcolm Gladwell

Kristi Yamaguchi

Jesse James

Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Benjamin Franklin, Bono
[35]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月22日 03時15分42秒 ) パスワード








1.ユーラシア大陸東部では、民族の存亡を賭けた凄まじい戦争の歴史が、DNA地図を大幅に塗り 替えたが、日本列島ではそのような事態は現出しなかった。

2.日本列島の温暖で湿潤な気候が、豊かな植物相を提供し、大量の堅果類を栄養源として列島に 居住する集団に供給した。























 さらに、、南部琉球のY染色体亜型の構成は、ブルーのO2b系統が67%と突出する一方、緑色のD系統はわずか4%しか認められず、アイヌや日本列島中央部は勿論、北部 琉球とも大きく異なっている。

[36]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年11月23日 04時03分32秒 ) パスワード


母系  mtDNA
父系  Y染色体

アフリカは  L  L0〜L3  それにアジアと共通のM のM1

アジアは当然Lの出身で MとNのグループがあって、M C Z  CZ  D G E Y A B R F  P

   ワタシは D

白人は当然Lで始まって Nのグループがあって、J  T  JT H  V  HV  U X N W



アフリカが A B E
アジアが  C D H K L M N O P Q
白人が  E G I J R


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