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 投稿番号:103573 投稿日:2013年09月28日 05時28分25秒  パスワード

コメントの種類 :生活  パスワード





[1]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年09月28日 05時32分18秒 ) パスワード


1. Computer science

2012年度の初任給平均: $73,700
2011年度の初任給平均: $70,900

アップ率: 3.9%
[2]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年09月28日 05時33分02秒 ) パスワード

2位 Business administration/management

Average starting pay in 2012: $69,200
Average starting pay in 2011: $66,400

Percent change: 4.2
[3]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年09月28日 05時35分24秒 ) パスワード

3位 Mechanical engineering

Average starting pay in 2012: $66,800
Average starting pay in 2011: $64,300
Percent change: 3.9
[4]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年09月28日 05時36分12秒 ) パスワード

4位 Electrical/electronics and communications engineering

Average starting pay in 2012: $66,100
Average starting pay in 2011: $63,800
Percent change: 3.6

[5]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年09月28日 05時37分37秒 ) パスワード

5位以下: Finance
Average starting pay in 2012: $64,300
Average starting pay in 2011: $61,700
Percent change: 4.2

6位: Nursing
Average starting pay in 2012: $63,800
Average starting pay in 2011: $61,400
Percent change: 3.9

7位: Economics (business/managerial)
Average starting pay in 2012: $63,400
Average starting pay in 2011: $60,800
Percent change: 4.3

8位: Health and related sciences
Average starting pay in 2012: $62,900
Average starting pay in 2011: $60,100
Percent change: 4.7

9位: Accounting
Average starting pay in 2012: $62,300
Average starting pay in 2011: $59,900
Percent change: 4.0
[6]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年09月28日 05時40分47秒 ) パスワード

[8]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2013年09月28日 05時48分33秒 ) パスワード


The recent recession caused many job seekers to quit their searching and head back to school for an advanced degree. Yet the trend toward pursuing higher education was growing even before the recession hit. According to the Census Bureau, the number of people who held a master's degree climbed by 5 million, or 43 percent, from 2002 to 2012.

Yet, there's some debate about whether a master's and other advanced degrees benefit those who attain them. While the major and industry pursued may bear some weight, research shows that gaining an advanced degree does pay off -- at least when it comes to the pocketbook. According to research from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the median pay for those with a bachelor's plus a master's, doctorate or professional degree are approximately 30 percent higher than for workers with just a bachelor's.

That's encouraging news for those seeking or possessing a master's degree. Yet certain majors offer a higher payout than others. Below is a list of nine academic majors with starting pay of more than $60,000:


1. Computer science
2. Business administration/management
3. Mechanical engineering
4. Electrical/electronics and communications engineering
5. Finance
6. Nursing
7. Economics (business/managerial)
8. Health and related sciences
9. Accounting
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